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Spain: The 2013 pear campaign has been marked by hail and frost
The 2013 Spanish seed fruit campaign has had a 20 day delay for all varieties and has been marked by adverse weather, especially by hail and frost that have had an impact on the fruit's quality, as was the case in the producing area of Jiloca Paracuellos in Zaragoza (Aragon) affected by ice.
"We started harvests of Ercolini pear in early August. In late August we began collecting the Blanquilla pear and at the beginning of September we proceeded with the harvest of the Conference pear in the province of Zaragoza. This last one will end today or tomorrow and will be kept in storage," says Arturo Erruz, manager of Frutas Erruz.
"This year we collected a smaller production of Blanquilla pear, which has been damaged by ice that, among other things, affected the fruit's appearance; it caused injuries to the fruit's skin. Meanwhile, the Conference pears' problem is that it developed at a smaller size," he says.
Despite the Blanquilla's quality, pear prices in the fields have been high. The first games of Conference pear, which were not affected by hail, obtained very interesting prices: between 0.45 and 0.50 € per kilo, "something we did not understand because there was a high offer. We believe it was due to the joy with which the last season finished," explains Arturo Erruz.
Frutas Erruz is a family business that produces and sells apples and pears under the brand that honours his family name, Erruz. Apples are also sold both under the brand Erruz as well as under their second brand's name, FRUTOAR. In both cases the apples are placed in carton recipients with high quality printing. The products are for the domestic market with some shipments to North African countries like Morocco and Algeria.
The Verde Doncella apple variety, native of Aragon and better known as Erruz, as they are who produce it and sell it almost entirely, is definitely the house specialty. It is known for being crispy, juicy, having white flesh, a consistent texture and its yellow blushed skin." Its sweet taste is the characteristic that distinguishes it from the other apples, and this taste is enhanced if the fruit has frozen before being harvested."