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Peiró Camaró warns the sector about the defaults of the Garlic Group Latvian company

Alejandro Peiró, the manager of Peiró Camaró, wants to warn producers and marketers in the sector about the defaults of the following Latvian company to its producers:

Garlic Group, SIA
Cierkukalna 2, Skerslin 8,
LV-1026, Riga. Latvia.

"We made several sales to the manager of this company, Jordi Ferri, and then the defaults began to accumulate. After many calls demanding payment for their purchases, they made some payments. Eventually, however, they stopped paying us and still owe us thousands of euro. Maybe more people have been affected like us. In any case, we want to warn the sector to be careful with this company that buys production and does not pay for it," stated Alejandro Peiró.

For more information:

Alejandro Peiró
Peiró Camaró
Polígono Cotes B. C/ Aiguaders, 6/10
Algemesí. Valencia. España
T: + 34 96 244 83 26
[email protected]  


Peiró Camaró has warned about this company and said that they are willing to provide more information in this regard. FreshPlaza/ bears no liability whatsoever with regard to the above information. These messages are placed outside the responsibility of FreshPlaza/, which is why the sender of the message is always mentioned.

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