"Market raspberries and red berries under pressure"
Organic baby kiwis
At BelOrta raspberries have the largest share, but also blue, red and white berries, blackberries and baby kiwis conquer the market. John Vergote tells that the only market organic baby kiwis. "The conventional baby kiwis go via Veiling Hoogstraten. These are small volumes, compared to last year the area has remained the same. The sales of baby kiwis go differently than those of conventional soft fruit. The organic baby kiwis do not go to auction and have a standard price per season."
Growers of BelOrta produce a number of varieties on a total area of 9 HA. The organic baby kiwis of BelOrta are, as a standard, offered offered in a shaker of
125 gr., but other packs are also possible on request. The season runs till the end of November.
For more information:
Johan Vergote
Belorta / Department Zellik
Zone 4, 100 Broekooi
1730 Asse
T: +32 (0)2 481 08 83
F: +32-(0)2 481 0887
[email protected]