In marketing year (MY) 2023/24, fresh orange exports are forecasts to reach 2.0 million metric tons (MMT) up from 1.6 MMT in MY 2022/23. This increase is attributed to higher yields per hectare, amid favorable environmental conditions, success in opening new markets for Egyptian oranges, and a successful traceability system in registering and monitoring farm production. The Netherlands, Russia, Saudi Arabia, India, United Arab Emirates, Spain, Bangladesh, Syria, China, and United Kingdom are likely to remain Egypt’s top ten export destinations for fresh oranges
In MY 2023/24, FAS/Cairo forecasts orange production to slightly increase by 2.7 percent, to reach to 3.7 MMT compared to the previous marketing year estimate of 3.6 MMT. The increase in production is attributed to optimum weather conditions and temperatures during flowering of the trees, which increased fruit set and production. Over the last decade, small growers and commercial farms have focused on producing clean fruit to maintain high volumes in high-value export markets.
Oranges are the major citrus crop in Egypt, representing about 70 percent of the total cultivated citrus area.
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