A glut of durians coming from Malaysian plantations in Pahang, Johor and Genting Highlands has resulted in record low prices. In some places, the prized Musang King variety sells for as little as $16 a kg.
One trader said this is the biggest drop in durian prices in 10 years, although there is a yearly seasonal dip in December. At his shop, the price of the AAA grade Musang King, which is the top tier of the durian variety, is now $25 a kg – a 38 per cent drop from $40 a kg six months ago. The same trader, who has been selling durians for about 25 years, said sales at his shop have gone up by 40 per cent since prices dropped.
Another trader said his shop has been getting more durians as suppliers are now not selling their stocks to China, which has been battling a Covid-19 wave. “I think the lower prices will last until Chinese New Year.”
The prices of other varieties of durian at his shop have dropped by up to almost 50 per cent. The popular black gold durian now sells for about $18 to $20 a kg, down by as much as 44 per cent from $32 a kg six months ago.
Source: asianews.network