Mexican cucumber exports (including pickles) to the US in 2019 achieved record figures in both volume and value, with 776,000 tons shipped for 587 million dollars, which represents an increase of 2.4% and 7.9%, respectively.
Worldwide, Mexico is the third exporter of this product, second only to Spain and the Netherlands.
98.2% of Mexican cucumber sales went to the United States in 2019, while the remaining 1.2% was sent to Canada.
Cucumbers, like melons, pumpkins, and watermelons, are members of the Cucurbitaceae family. They are vine crops and can be grown on the ground or on posts or trellises to suspend the fruit. Three different types of cucumbers stand out: seedless, seeded, and mini cucumbers.
It is a typical ingredient in Mediterranean salads and its pickled variant is a popular snack.
It is frequently used raw in various cuisines around the world as an ingredient in salads, although cucumber soups are very popular in northern Europe. Cucumber is frequently processed as a pickle for preservation.