Fruitimprese: Latest data on Italian fruit and vegetable trade
Overall, from January to June 2012, Italy exported 1 million 970 thousand tons of fruits and vegetables (+0.5%) for a value of 1.824 billion Euro (-4.4%). Increasing flows were recorded for exported vegetables (+0.4%), fresh fruit (+4.4%) and dried fruit (+4.9%); decreasing in citrus fruits (-11.1%). In terms of value, there was a negative sign for all sectors except for dried fruit which recorded a 21.9% increase.
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As for imports, Italy imported about 1,740 million of tons of fruit and vegetables (-3.6%) for a total of 1.430 million Euro (-13.4%). Among individual sectors, there is an increase in volume only for citrus fruit (+27.8%); for all others, however, the trend is negative. Vegetables (-0.1%), fresh fruit (-17.6%), dried fruit (-18.5%) and tropical fruit (-8.7%). In terms of value the sign is negative for all sectors, with the exception of citrus fruit (+21.4%).