While the Juliet apple is preparing to return to Fruit Logistica this week, it is also gearing up for the 2025 edition of the International Agricultural Show in Paris. This event has become such a staple for professionals of the sector, who see it, among other things, as an opportunity to get closer to their clients.
Producers: the best ambassadors for apples
"The Paris event has become a major factor in terms of visibility and communication. Every year, we bring in producers from each basin to give tastings of the Juliet apple. They are the best ambassadors for apples, and the event is an excellent opportunity to bring the general public closer to the producers. It is a time to exchange ideas, to share, and to help people better understand the issues facing the agricultural world and organic farming in particular," explains Vincent Lehallier, director of Les Amis de Juliet.
International Agricultural Show: more than just a B2C event
Although the event was originally a B2C trade show, where companies exhibited in order to recruit new clients, it is now much more than that. "Every year, we see more and more buyers and wholesalers who are our distributors and who come mainly from Rungis. Buyers come to see the excitement, the enthusiasm, and the interest in a variety. The International Agricultural Show has become much more than a B2C event."
A variety very well received by consumers
Juliet's visibility has also increased over the last 15 years. "When we started out in 2010, we had a small, inconspicuous 12m² booth. Today, we have a 55m² booth. It is a variety that is very well received by consumers, who have become quite addicted to it." While the apple is now well established in specialist organic networks, with stable and even slightly increasing consumption, its development is essentially driven by the variety itself. "People buy the Juliet because it is tasty, it is French and it is organic. Although we are obviously at a different stage of development from when we started, we still manage to introduce new people to the variety! This means that we can still grow and recruit new clients."
New: flat or sparkling juice in aluminum cans
This year's program includes games to keep visitors entertained, such as a spinning wheel where they can win trays of Juliet apples, "a good way of introducing people to apples and getting the produce into French homes." Once again, there will be a chance to win a young apple tree, and we will be taking the opportunity to introduce a little novelty: a new range of sparkling or flat juice in cans, which has only available in glass bottles so far. This new product is lightweight, entirely recyclable, not fragile, and can be a very good complement where glass bottles show their limitations."
For more information:
Vincent Lehallier (director)
Amis de Juliet® / Juliet Sarl
594 Porte du Quercy – 47500 Montayral
Phone: +33(0)5 53 75 14 53
Mobile: +33(0)6 09 31 17 86
[email protected]