A new organization, the Walnut Alliance of California, was launched to improve the marketing environment for California's walnut industry. The initiative comes in response to years of low prices for walnut growers, which many in the industry believe are unsustainable. Donald Norene, a walnut grower from Rio Oso, CA, emphasized the need to take advantage of the current favorable conditions, including higher prices, reduced acreage, and growing export markets.
The Walnut Alliance, modeled after the successful Almond Alliance, will operate as a non-profit association representing walnut growers, handlers, hullers, and other industry-related businesses. One of its main objectives is to support the California Walnut Board and Commission in its efforts to promote the industry, including establishing a federal Political Action Committee (PAC). This PAC will raise funds to advocate for fair trade policies and regulations, something that commodity programs like the Walnut Board cannot directly engage in.
The Walnut Alliance's formation also includes the integration of the Walnut Bargaining Association, aiming to increase grower returns and ensure better transparency across the industry. The organization intends to focus on addressing several issues impacting the entire walnut supply chain, from growers to marketers. One of the group's first actions is to release a survey that highlights significant concerns over walnut pricing. The survey revealed that in 2023, the prices paid to growers were below break-even levels, with estimates suggesting that prices need to reach 75 to 80 cents per in-shell pound for growers to cover costs.
Pete Jelavich, a walnut grower from Yuba City, pointed out that nearly all prices reported in the survey were unsustainable and below the growers' cost of production. He stressed the importance of improving pricing transparency and working together to establish a stable and profitable environment for all sectors of the walnut industry.
The Walnut Alliance is inviting all walnut growers and handlers to join the organization to collectively address these pricing challenges and secure the industry's long-term viability. Members will have access to detailed pricing data and will be able to participate in efforts aimed at improving financial conditions for California walnut growers.
For more information:
Chris Zanobini
Walnut Alliance of California
Tel: +1 916 441 1064
Email: [email protected]