In Kalaburagi district, over 1,000 banana farmers are grappling with declining market prices, leading to financial losses and increased debts. The cultivation of bananas demands a year-long commitment and significant investment, with profitability hinging on favorable market rates. However, prices have fallen from approximately $22-24 per ton in September and October to $15-12 in December and January, affecting the farmers' ability to cover their cultivation costs.
Afzalpur taluk, a primary banana cultivation area within the district, is additionally facing challenges due to dropping groundwater levels from insufficient rainfall, prompting some farmers to reconsider their cultivation choices. Chandrashekhar and Ramappa, farmers from Karajagi village in Afzalpur, shared their struggles with TOI, highlighting the twin pressures of low prices and high costs, exacerbated by a labor shortage as workers move to cities in neighboring Maharashtra seeking higher wages.
They suggested that government intervention, such as price support schemes and the provision of free banana saplings, could alleviate some of the financial burdens. Additionally, facilitating purchases through government-run Hopcoms could offer some relief. Echoing their concerns, former APMC director Arjun Somjal called for the government to include financial assistance for banana farmers in the annual budget to address the sustainability of banana cultivation in the region.
Source: India Times