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Chilean fresh fruit export volume up until October fell by 6.6%

According to a new bulletin from the Office of Agricultural Studies and Policies, Odepa, Chile exported 2,944,000 tons of fruit worth USD 6,849 million FOB during the January-October 2023 period. Compared to the same period of 2022, there was a 5.4% decrease in the volume exported and a 9% increase in value.

Fresh fruit accounts for 70.7% of the total value, with an exported volume of 2,254,000 tons (-6.6%), equivalent to USD 4,846 million FOB (+13.2%).

In the first five months of the year, fresh fruit exports were led by cherry exports, recording a volume of 302,842 tons (+6.1%), equivalent to $1.821 billion FOB (+21.9%), which accounts for 37.6% of the total value of fresh fruit exports in the aforementioned period. China was the main destination, accounting for 91.1% of the value of Chilean cherry exports.

Cherries were followed by table grapes, with 495,308 tons (-18%) equivalent to USD 892.7 million FOB (+3.5%), accounting for 18.4% of the total value of fresh fruit exports. The main destinations were the US (47.7%) and China (13.1%).

Apples ranked third with 461,500 tons (-20.3%) equivalent to USD 484 million FOB (-1.1%), and accounting for 10% of the total value of fresh fruit exports. The US was the main destination (concentrating 14% of the total value of apple shipments), followed by Colombia (13%), and Brazil (10%).

Blueberry ranked fourth, with shipments of 72,992 tons (-19.5%) and USD 327 million FOB (-8.8%), accounting for 6.7% of the total value of fresh fruit exports. The US (48.6%) and the Netherlands (19.3%) were the main destinations.


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