Gilberto Rossi (photo), Marketing Manager, comments, "The season starts during the second part of August and ends the following year in April. We import mainly from the Netherlands, Belgium, England and Spain between October and February, and we rely on selected producers in order to guarantee the best quality to our clients even if there are weather problems."
"Since January, we have also been selling Italian produce cultivated in the Albenga plain, as it has an excellent quality and therefore is very sought after by our clients."
Fruttital imports loose produce in 15 kg crates and generally repacks it in certified weight trays according to their clients' needs. The 350 and 370 gram trays are the most popular and are placed in bigger packets with the Fruttital mark that hold up to 9 trays. "We can also reprocess the product in its original packaging," adds Rossi.
Brussels sprouts in an 8-tray cardboard. Below, produce packed is a single tray.
60% of the produce is bought by supermarkets, whereas the remaining 40% goes to traditional markets.
As regards the type of produce, the marketing manager says that "there are many varieties depending on the production area and on the period, but generally they have the same organoleptic qualities."
"The most popular grades range between 31 and 41 mm, which are ideal for trays."
"Demand for Brussels sprouts, as well as for other brassicas, increases with the arrival of winter, despite the fact that imports start already in August."
"At the moment, sales are moderate, though stable and in line with 2012. We expect them to increase starting from November thanks to lower temperatures."
Gilberto Rossi – Marketing Manager
Fruttital Srl
Regione Cime di Leca, 30
17031 Albenga (Savona)
Tel.: +39 182 560300