Invernaderoville is a Greenhouse City where many vegetable and flower families live happily next to each other and grow together. The families get together for kids to play and also learn about various things that happen in the wonderful Invernaderoville.
Does this not sound like the typical article on HortiDaily? Well, you are right. This is the description of the children's book about growing in greenhouses, written by Saber Miresmailli, mainly known in the greenhouse industry for being the CEO of Ecoation. "I hope with this book I can inspire a few young folks to join the farming community and seek an honorable career in the horticulture industry where they can feed people!"
"Those who know me personally, know that before anything, I am a storyteller. We all get busy with life and work and put away the list of things that we want to do one day when we have time", he says. "After my father passed away, I realized that there is no guarantee that life gives us another chance so you have to do the things you like right now, as there might not be a tomorrow…About a year and a half ago, I started to use my time on planes - mainly the Vancouver to Amsterdam flight - to write a book. This book, to be exact.
Saber explains he is passionate about teaching the importance of farming. "So, I decided to write a children's book about a greenhouse city, Invernaderoville, and the adventures of various plant families: Pomodorinis, Pimientos, and Pepinos. I wanted to teach young adolescents basic concepts of greenhouse growing and also how one can set up experiments and interpret the results."
"This was a simple attempt to educate young folks about the wonders of farming, specifically greenhouses. I am happy to see it is now published." The process of self-publishing was rather simple, he adds, encouraging him to start the other books that he had planned but never wrote. "So tune in for more to come!"