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Additional points of entry approved for fresh exports to Mexico

As of November 17, 2022, two additional points of entry were approved for fresh potato shipments to the full Mexican market. Registered U.S. fresh potato exporters can now ship through Nuevo Laredo and Reynosa, Tamaulipas to the interior of Mexico.

Both newly approved locations, located along the Mexico-Texas border, increase opportunity for U.S. exporters in the Midwest and the eastern United States. These point-of-entry approvals follow the operational work plan that was signed by the U.S. and Mexico. According to the work plan, four points of entry were initially approved, and SENASICA – the Mexican counterpart to USDA APHIS – will approve two additional points of entry annually.

The six ports now open for fresh U.S. potato shipments include:

  • Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua
  • Tijuana, Baja California
  • Nogales, Sonora
  • Mexicali, Baja California
  • Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas
  • Reynosa, Tamaulipas 

For more information:
Tiffany Kocir (Thompson)
[email protected]
Kim Breshears
[email protected] 

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