Despite steadily increasing fuel costs due to the continuing crisis in Ukraine and the resulting ban on Russian imports including petroleum products, many growing regions reported steady or lower truck rates this week as shippers reassessed the dramatic price jumps implemented last week.
The situation at the nation’s ports continues to improve slowly but steadily, with the Port of Los Angeles reporting record-high cargo volumes for February 2022. The number of ships waiting to unload at the port and neighboring Port of Long Beach is down to a total of 44 from a high of 109 in January, and record progress is also being made repositioning empty containers back to Asia.
Movement of Mexican asparagus crossings though Calexico, California and San Luis Arizona, expected about the same. Trading was slow at lower prices again this week. Supplies estimated at up to 75% less than at the same time last year but continue to be more than adequate to fulfill current light demand. Sales heavily dependent on retail advertised promotions, with shippers looking ahead to Easter promotions to move product.
Mexican blueberry crossings through Arizona, California, and Texas movement expected to increase. Early trading was slow improving to fairly active later with prices higher. Quality is reported as variable. Movement of blueberries out of Central and North Florida is expected to increase as harvesting increases.
Movement of green bell peppers from Mexico crossing through Nogales, Arizona expected to decrease slightly. Trading on green was active at higher prices. Demand is good as volumes have decreased and availability for the spot market is limited. Prices are expected to continue to rise throughout the week. Quality is reported as generally good.
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