Additionally, he added that last year Europe was swept by a cold wave during the entire month of January that had lasting effects until June, affecting the consumption of these fruits.
"The markets remain, Europe remains, but the recession causes imbalanced pricing and that is why we must work harder," because we are dealing with products with a limited shelf life, he pointed out. Although last year a price imbalance also happened, there are still no final data on losses because some exporting firms still have stocks to sell, he explained.
He mentioned that exporters strive to achieve the strict quality standards demanded by competitive markets such as Germany and the UK, which he rated as the most stable in the midst of the European situation, and where chances to sell their products are higher.
One of the goals, he added, is to make rounds of negotiations with the participation of all buyers in order to "make it fair for everyone."
"This is the message which he has tried to convey every time he has taken part in the Congress; that the situation requires comprehensive group work (service providers, buyers, shippers, producers) and that every part involved must have a share of the profits," he highlighted.
Bravo said that next week's round of negotiations will begin at the Congress held in Panama.
This round will be attended by most producing countries from Central America, including major ones such as Honduras and Guatemala, and buyers from the Netherlands, Spain, Germany, the UK, Russia, Poland and the US, said the president of Grantap.
Furthermore, he said that although in Panama's case 80% of all cucurbit exports go to Europe and 20% to the US, the North American market is still attractive for them due to its proximity and currency.
In this sense, Bravo declared himself a supporter of investing more in the US market, reversing the target percentage of exports or at least trying to even it out to 50%.