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"Demand for Turkish watermelons strong at the moment"

The growth of watermelon cultivation is driven by expanding export markets, among other factors, says Esra Soyleyen, marketing manager for Turkish exporter Aksun: "Turkey is a major watermelon producer globally. Acreage and production have seen fluctuations but show a general upward trend. This growth is driven by factors like investments in agricultural technology, improved farming practices and expanding export markets."

Although cold weather has increased the price for Turkish watermelons, according to Soyleyen these fruits are still competing well with other origins. "The weather has been cooler in Turkey, which has an impact on production and supply, leading to higher prices. Despite these higher prices and competition from both Greece and Spain, demand remains strong at the moment. The Turkish watermelon does have its competitive advantages, such as a favourable climate, a strategic location, strong export infrastructure and competitive pricing. Of course, Turkish growers also adhere to the European quality standards and use advanced agricultural practices."

A prolonged watermelon season is expected, as Aksun is receiving signals that clients want to be supplied up to November, Soyleyen explains: "For our watermelons, our focus is on the European market. We export mainly to the Europe, UK and Scandinavian countries. However, there is much more demand out of these countries than usual. We're already working with two shifts, just to fill full the current demand. Meanwhile, the population in Turkey is over 90 million and we love to eat watermelons. So, there is always high demand from the local retail chains, which makes it more the watermelon attractive for growers."

In the previous years, Turkey exported watermelons only during a specific period, mainly during May and June. According to Soyleyen this has changed. "By adding new plantations and new regions and new varieties, we became one of the main watermelon suppliers of Europe. We expect a prolonged Turkish watermelon season, as our contracted clients state they want a watermelon supply up until November. The prolonging of the season is also possible due to increased variety types such as Mini and Seedless."

Finally, there's the European Football Cup in Germany, which will also boost demand, as hot weather is anticipated. "This event will last from mid-June to mid-July, and we expect sales in Germany to go up by 25 per cent because of the event. Overall, it seems that the Turkish watermelon industry is well-positioned, with a strong outlook for the current season. Each country has ups and downs when it comes to climates change, but as Aksun, we will always be ready to deliver on the demand, starting from May until the end of November," Soyleyen concludes.

For more information:
Esra Soyleyen
Tel: +90 324 2344190
Mob: +90 533 950 63 10
Email: [email protected]