"Worthless" is how Leon van Meir of Van Meir Onions & Potatoes describes the quality of the Dutch seed onions. "It's simply very disappointing. Bacterial pressure, erratic germination, and leggy growth, you name it. I predict a lousy season, quality-wise," he says frankly.
"Yields are also disappointing. Some good growers may as well stop harvesting from their 20,30-hectare plots. They still bring these onions in, but nothing comes of it. They should actually till those fields."
"Quality will, thus, play a decisive role. Prices of €0.50 and €0.30 per bale will be considered high. There's no lack of demand either; onions are needed everywhere," says Leon. "But few batches will be fit to be placed in a container for a few weeks. And high prices for poor quality is a tricky story."
"Yet, this situation offers a price perspective later in the season. The many inferior batches will cause pressure for a while, but those will be off the market within a few months. Then, it could well be that top prices will be paid early next year for good quality onions. That seems like a very likely scenario to present, but I can't make any guarantees," Leon concludes.
For more information:
Van Meir Onions & Potatoes
8 Boonhil
465 VW, Steenbergen, NL
Tel: +31 (0) 167 542 220
Email: [email protected]
Website: www.vanmeir.nl