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Alberta potato crop is best in the country

According to the December 7 release by Statistics Canada, the 2022 potato harvest in Canada yielded 120 million hundredweight, a 0.8 per cent increase year over year. This is the second consecutive record potato production for Canada and is due to slight increases in both seeded area and yield.

Alberta led the way this year, with yields up 8.9 per cent overall to 26.8 million hundredweight, producing 21.8 per cent of Canadian potatoes. Prince Edward Island produced 21.6 per cent of the national average and Manitoba 21.3 per cent.

According to the October report by the United Potato Growers of Canada (UPGC), favourable weather conditions during harvest helped Alberta growers get the potato crop out of the ground. However, due to the hailstorm in July and extreme heat in August, early reports showed a disappointing yield. Quality was good but the size profile was variable with many growers reporting smaller than average.


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