Spanish Serena oranges arrived at Nationwide Produce this week, just in time for Christmas. Arrivals will continue every week into the New Year.
"The cultivation conditions in Spain are good and controlled for a good, safe and healthy production for our customers," said David Serena from Serena Oranges. "Due to our geographical location in the best producing area of Spain, we can offer a fresh and tasty product."
Nationwide Produce have just become the exclusive UK partner for the Serena oranges.
"Regarding the available volumes, this 2022/2023 season we have production in balance with demand and we will be able to supply our customers without a problem."
The Serena oranges will go to customers in the wholesale and foodservice trade.
"Established in 1967, the Serena brand is trusted and recognised as growing and packing quality oranges. We are proud to work with another long-standing family-run business and stock such a premium brand exclusively within the UK," said Rebecca Fox from Nationwide Produce.
"We always sell more oranges at Christmas since they are said to represent a gift of gold from Saint Nicholas. This is the first proper year without Covid for two years, so we have seen a slight increase however the frost and rail strikes last week has affected the overall trade.
"As we look forward to the New Year there is always a focus on healthy eating and Veganuary which shifts attention back onto the fresh produce industry. With an awful cold sweeping across the UK, perhaps Serena oranges could help with their high levels of Vitamin C and antioxidants? They are sweet, juicy and are not to be missed."
Nationwide Produce are set to continue importing Serena Oranges every week throughout January.
For more information:
Rebecca Fox
Nationwide Produce
Tel: +44 (0) 1386 424800
Email: [email protected]