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Italy: The first specialised asparagus chain

Asparagus is an increasingly popular crop for which there seems to be a margin for growth. According to estimates, there are 230 thousand hectares of asparagus crops in the world, but there's the need for at least 50 thousand more. This is why the International Asparagus Days have been organised in Cesena for 16-18 October 2018.

At the moment, there are 7,500 hectares of asparagus crops in Italy. The leading producers on a global level are Peru and China. Global demand is increasing and so are the prices. The entire chain is interested in improving the quality as well as making the produce more popular with customers due to the low penetration index (only slightly over 40%).

"The event is something entirely new for Italy. The first edition took place in France a few years ago. We want to include over 100 exhibitors from all over the world. Demand is increasing in Italy and we need to keep up mainly trying to extend the calendar, which currently only covers two months," explains expert Luciano Trentini.

The meeting between internationally renowned expert Christian Befve and Cesena Fiera gave life to the International Asparagus Days. The event will take place on 16-18 October 2018 at the Cesena Fiera facility.

It will consist of four parts: there will be a fair with exhibitors from all over the world, conventions addressing all kinds of agronomic, commercial, strategic and technical aspects with special focus on low-environmental impact techniques and different varieties.

What is more, there will be demonstration field tests in an area near the venue. Last but not least, technical visits to the leading asparagus producers in Emilia-Romagna will also be organised.

Christian Befve is one of the main asparagus experts on a global level. Agronomic and commercial consultant for numerous companies located in 30 countries, Befve has been focusing on this product for three decades. 

Cesena Fiera President Renzo Piraccini, Christian Befve and Luciano Trentini

International Asparagus Days was organised with the entire chain in mind - seed companies, nurseries, machinery producers, packagers, greenhouse producers, service providers, distributors and buyers. 

For further information:
Cesena Fiera
Via Dismano 3845
47522 Cesena (FC) - Italy
Tel.: +39 0547 317435
Fax: +39 0547 318431
Email: [email protected]
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