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Managers Bruno Mezzetti, Maurizio Battino and Gianluca Baruzzi are currently sending emails to experts all over the world to organise the Symposium. "We are taking into consideration operator needs and trying to follow the indications provided by breeders, operators and the various protagonists of the chain. We want this event to be shared and to provide indications to the sector for years to come. Being it an international symposium, we are submitting questionnaires to experts all over the world," explained Gianluca Baruzzi.
Click here for the questionnaire
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Click here for the questionnaire
The Symposium will be held in Rimini between 3rd and 6th May during Macfrut. In addition, field visits will be carried out between 30th April and 8th May in Marsala (Sicily), Metaponto (Basilicata), Battipaglia (Campania), Ancona (Marche), Cesena and Ferrara (Emilia-Romagna), Verona (Veneto) and Bolzano (Trentino-Alto Adige).
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Italy is the only nation that can successfully grow varieties with low cold temperature requirements (southern Italy) as well as mountain varieties (Trentino). Italian techniques have been studied all over the world, now knowledge and progress is on a global level and must be shared.
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