Orgacure B.V., an agriculture and food science technology company with a focus on food waste solutions for farmers, processors and supermarkets, has succeeded in an evaluation trial for its antimicrobial + antibrowning solution Orgacure®. It was tested on shredded cabbage and sliced apples in the Yokosuka base camp of the Japan Maritime Self-Defense Force (JMSDF), accompanied by Fuji Group, Yokohama, Japan.
Orgacure washed wet/dry white cabbage
The apples and cabbage were washed for 60 seconds with the Orgacure solution at a standard dosage of 7,000 ppm, drained off water then ziplock packed and stored in a refrigerator. Sliced apples were graded on smell: “No problem for 7 days”, taste: “6 days OK”, color: “Partially changed from day 5” and hardness: “Partially getting soft”. Grades on shredded cabbage, on smell, taste and color were: “No problem for 7 days” and hardness: “Soft because wet”.
Orgacure washed red apple slices (Day 3)
The trial was repeated three month later with “Very good” results. Consequently, Orgacure will enter the upcoming 7th edition of the Marine Stores Guide (MSG) listed under IMPA code 550669 and 550670 for “Cleaner Extra-Life for Fruit & Vegetable Orgacure”.
“Food safety affects survival on naval vessels and it’s crucial on cargo and cruise ships too,” says Roger Bierwas, CEO of Orgacure. Besides, food waste on board of ships is an important issue. “We’ve estimated 8 tons of fruit and vegetable waste for a large passenger ship on a 10-days cruise which could mean US$ 10m of food waste for a big cruise line each year.” says Roger.
For more information:
Roger Bierwas
Orgacure B.V.
Tel: +31 (0)10 333 081 0