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Nico Spruijt, Yex:
“Avocado market fairly stable for weeks now”
Although exotic fruit and vegetables are sold year-round more often nowadays, December is still their peak month. This is also the case for avocados. “Buy more, plan well. This period it’s like top-class sport. This is the time to prove you’re not just there for your customers in times of more supply, but that you can also supply your customers before Christmas,” says Nico Spruijt from Yex. “Besides, we want to make even more consumers enthusiastic for exotics with inspiration, information and easy recipes with ‘Dafne Likes.’”
According to the exotic fruit and vegetables specialist, the avocado market has been fairly stable for two months, and he expects that trend to continue in coming weeks. “In the end, it’s best for everyone. Growers would then also know where they stand. For now, prices will remain good, especially when Chile leaves the market. For small sizes, prices are currently around 13.50 euro, and large sizes are even sold at 14.50 - 15 euro.”
“When the Chilean season ends in just over a month, the Colombian and Spanish seasons will have just started, The first from consignment from Peru is expected to arrive on the market again in late-January. Fortunately, more Colombian avocados will come to Europe this year, because the Spanish harvest is not expected to be very large. Besides, Colombia has made big strides qualitatively, and they could become quite an important player,” Nico concludes.