The shipment contains fruits cultivated in Urrao-Antioquia, Argelia-Valle del Cauca, Caicedonia-Valle del Cauca, Salento-Quindio and Aranzazu-Caldas. "Everyone has done a good job, but the hard work is done in cooperation with growers in order to harvest the best fruit. The success of this shipment is because of them and we would like to thank the farms and people involved, because all of them have been very dedicated to produce the best."

The Middle East is a market with growing demand and a growing level of consumption explains Rodolfo. “In general the level of consumption of avocados in these countries is high. They request mostly medium and big sized avocados. Moreover, exporting to the Middle East results in better prices for both the producer and exporter. We received some requests from Oman as well, however this market is n´t open for Colombian avocado export yet.”

“There are other origins available in Dubai as well, such as Sri Lanka, Kenya and Lebanon. However, the real competition is from Mexico. As, for example, three out of five available avocados are from Mexico. They have a very good market participation. Nonetheless, as the demand and consumption are growing there is still enough space in the market for Colombian supply”, says Rodolfo.

Rodolfo and his team will visit the exhibition WOP Dubai. “This is an import event in the fresh produce industry. In this way I’ll be present when the shipment arrives at the port. I expect everything will go well and fruitwill arrive in good quality. As all went well shipping to Hongkong, the fruits arrived in good condition. To Hong Kong the transit time is 33 days, so one week longer than to Dubai. After this first shipment, we will set up a program to have a steady supply into the market.”
For more information:
Rodolfo Ahumada
Pacific Fruits
Palmira - Colombia
T: +57 3147092810
E: [email protected]