University of California citrus research opens doors to public
The 175-acre UC Agriculture and Natural Resources Lindcove Research and Extension Center is situated where the Valley and Sierra Nevada foothills meet in eastern Tulare County. Research conducted at the center plays a major role in maintaining California’s position at the forefront of high-quality citrus production for whole fruit markets throughout the United States and the world.
Citrus Industry Day – Dec 11: From 9 a.m. to 12 noon, citrus growers, pest control advisers and other industry professionals are invited to taste citrus fruit at their leisure, discuss new low-seeded mandarin varieties with UC Riverside plant breeder Mikeal Roose, and consult with UC Cooperative Extension advisors Neil O’Connell of Tulare County and Craig Kallsen of Kern County. At 10 a.m., UC Riverside plant pathology specialist Georgio Vidalakis, director of the UC Citrus Clonal Protection Program, will explain the center’s role in providing the citrus industry with disease-free citrus propagative material, new low-seeded citrus varieties and new lemon varieties. Immediately following the CCPP presentation, UC Riverside principal museum scientist Tracy Kahn will lead a tour of the Lindcove demonstration orchard and discuss new citrus varieties.
General Public Day – Dec 12: from 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Lindcove is open to the public.
The general public is invited to join us for family-friendly events celebrating the University of California Cooperative Extension’s 100 years of science and service. Visitors will be able to see and taste more than 100 citrus varieties that are grown at Lindcove. They can even take home a bag of fruit for just $5. Visitors can choose from Cara Caras, Navels, Mandarins, or assorted citrus from four bins located in front of the Conference Center. Citrus enthusiasts can also get answers to their questions about citrus horticulture and pest management at the Master Gardener booth as well as from UC Extension personnel.
At both events, Mary Lu Arpaia, UC Riverside post-harvest specialist and David Obenland, plant physiologist at the USDA-ARS San Joaquin Valley Agriculture Center, will be inviting visitors to participate in a research project that involves taste testing of citrus fruits.
For more information:
Ashley Snowden
Lindcove Research and Extension Center
Tel: +1 559-592-2408 Ext 151
Email: [email protected]