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Visit to Bakker Barendrecht, AH, Udea and Ekoplaza

Frunet Bio on Dutch field trip

Last week, a rather unique happening occurred, in Spanish terms.
Frunet Bio visited two Dutch fresh produce customers with twenty organic farmers from Spain. "The initiative evolved last year, during the annual dinner with our growers. The transparency we want to have within Frunet, both toward customers and growers, gave us the idea to undertake an awareness trip.
Our growers know they supply to Frunet, but we wanted to acquaint them with customers, and vice versa. After all, our customers are the growers' customers in the end," Richard Soepenberg says.

"The objective of the trip was to make growers aware of where their product ends up, how it's presented to the end user and at what price.
It's a different approach of marketing. Instead of spending a lot of money on a stand at a fair, we decided to invest in this. During our trip to the Netherlands, we visited Bakker Barendrecht on Thursday, and of course Albert Heijn, after which we visited Udea and Ekoplaza on Friday."

"Both companies welcomed us with open arms, and we were given a presentation and a tour. The presentations quickly led to discussions in the room about taste and quality. We tasted Dutch and Spanish produce, and compared them. The visits to the shops, Ekoplaza in particular, was good for conversation. The customers loved being able to talk to the suppliers of their organic product," Richard relates.

"After stopping by the new Markthal in Rotterdam, the trip ended in Amsterdam, where the whole group enjoyed their "own" cuisine with music and singing in a Spanish restaurant on Friday evening.
On Saturday morning, a number of tourist sights were visited in Amsterdam, after which they flew back to Málaga that afternoon.

Here I would like to sincerely thank Rene Geelhoed of Bakker Barendrecht and Sven Henze of Udea for the time spent and the presentations. Partly thanks to their enthusiastic cooperation we were able to undertake this trip. It was a big success, and definitely worth repeating," Richard concludes.

For more information:
Frunet Bio
Richard Soepenberg
Tel: + 34 952 52 75 10
Móvil: + 34 661 684 861
Fax.: + 34 952 52 75 11
Ctra. De Algarrobo Km. 2,5
29750 - Algarrobo. MALAGA
[email protected]
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