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Ukrainian consumers have become more and more interested in buying healthy alternatives to add to their diet. Consumers are looking at the domestic harvest season to buy their fruits and vegetables, even though more than half of the fruit sold in Ukraine is imported. Spain, Italy and Greece are the top three suppliers in Ukraine, with a 50-70% share of imports. These facts were also noticeable at the trade show floor; a large delegation from Italy and Greece was present as visitors and exhibitors. In addition, a vegetable trade cooperative from Antalya, Turkey was present, as well as the Turkish Citrus Promotion Group.

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Talking to the exhibitors we learned that there is still good business potential available in Ukraine. The top fruit industry thriving in the Ukraine, investors with no background in food production enter the industry and invest in large quantity of starting materials, growing supplies, packing and post harvesting techniques. The cold chain industry is an emerging market. Large storage facilities have popped up over the last years and new projects are in the pipeline.

According to some sources at the trade show, the market for greenhouse horticulture in Ukraine has slowed down. This is a direct result of the tense atmosphere on the energy market due to the country's political situation and it's relationship with Russia which is under pressure. The prices for natural gas increased significantly over the last few years, hence greenhouse horticulture just now is not as viable as it used to be.
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For more information on Fresh Produce Ukraine 2014 :
Kuno Jacobs - BTO Exhibitions
Email: [email protected]