Project QUAFETY succesfully passed meeting with EC reviewers in Brussels
Prof. Giancarlo Colelli, Scientific Coordinator of QUAFETY, together with representatives from many partners, met the Project reviewers Dr. Csilla Mohácsi-Farkas (Corvinus University of Budapest, Hungary) and Dr. Olga Martín-Belloso (University of Lleida, Spain), appointed by the European Commission with the aim to assess and discuss the work carried out during the first 18 months of activity. The meeting was held at the DG Research and Innovation Building in Brussels.
Results were presented by Work Package leaders (Antonio Ferrante, University of Milano, Hilary Rogers, Cardiff University, Manuela Pintado, Catholic University of Porto, Victor Rodov, ARO Volcani Center, Maria L. Amodio, University of Foggia, Antonio Stasi, DARe Puglia, Elefterios Drosinos, Agricultural University of Athens) whereas the Scientific Coordinator illustrated dissemination and management activities, and the Project Manager (Fedele Colantuono, University of Foggia), covered the financial aspects of the Project.
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The European Commission reviewers, together with the EC Project Officer (Dr. Veerle Lammens) expressed their comments on the results which were discussed with the Project beneficiaries.
"I am very satisfied about the way the meeting went" said Giancarlo Colelli "and confident in a positive evaluation from the EC reviewers in their reports; all partners have worked hard during the first 18 months and activities proceed on-time, while all objectives are being reached".
QUAFETY scientists will meet European fresh-cut industry next week in Antalya (Turkey) where project outcomes will be presented in the 6th European short-course on "Quality and Processing of Fresh-cut Produce" and where more than 100 participants are expected. Furthermore a "QUAFETY Demonstration Tour" in planned on the second week of November 2013 in Italy and Portugal, with practical demonstration of results related to pathogen fast detection kits.
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