Italy: The OP COPAC at Fruit Logistica 2012
FRUIT LOGISTICA will be a great opportunity for COPAC to communicate with their partners and find new ones, and it will be a useful chance to assess and analyse innovations and trends of a constantly expanding market.
The presence of COPAC, who's operations focus on the distribution of clementines, kiwis and oranges, at Fruit Logistica, is part of a strategic investment perspective and in light of the increasingly important presence of the O.P. on European and International markets.
The aim of the organization is to expand the network of relationships across borders, in order to increase the foreign market share already gained in recent years. A size that will allow COPAC and associates to hold high the banner of Calabria, offering a range of high quality products, representative of their region, abroad.
COPAC commenced activity in 1999 in Anoia (RC), consists of nine cooperatives and more than 800 manufacturers. The O.P. can boast the GLOBALGAP certification, in addition to being certified for organic production.
COPAC will be at Fruit Logistica in Berlin, Hall 4.2 / Stand B-05.
Contrada FerlĂ , 8
89020 Anoia (RC)
Tel.: +39 (0)966 930031 begin_of_the_skype_highlighting +39 (0)966 930031 end_of_the_skype_highlighting
Fax: +39 (0)966 937890
Email: [email protected]
Email: [email protected]