Organic vegetable market analysis in China
In China there are a total of 2,910 cooperatives who are engaged in organic agriculture, and its total area ranks top among Asian countries, reaching over 300,100 m2. This also makes China the 13th country in the world in terms of organic agriculture, even though this area only accounts for 0.06% of China's agricultural area.
In terms of organic vegetable export, China had only 300.000 US dollars' revenue in 1995, but this number increased to 0.242 billion US dollars, and its export volume was between 45.000 to 60.000 tons, and the export countries included Japan, US and EU, and the export volume to Japan accounted for around two thirds of the overall volume.
In general, the development potential of Chinese organic agricultural products is quite big, and the main driving forces come from the investment on organic agriculture and organic manufacturing factories from joint-venture companies in China.
The organic vegetables in China are mainly sold in big cities, and the prices are much higher than normal vegetables. According to the research results, the two following reasons lead to the small markets: firstly, the organically certified Chinese companies have limited plantation capacity and they can only full fill foreign orders, secondly the organic vegetable prices are much higher abroad than in China. However, judging from the overall market trend, China's organic vegetable export still has a lot potential.