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Butter lettuce-based salad kits hit the market

In 1973, Floyd Griffin embarked on a journey into the world of fresh produce. With a passion for life and a commitment to the people who worked alongside him, he laid the foundation for what would become Misionero.

Fifty years later, the company is a testament to his vision and taking a step into the culinary world with the introduction of its "Everything is Better with Butter" Salad Kits. Both kits are being introduced under Misionero's Garden Life label and include two new offerings that feature butter lettuce.

Both kits are being introduced under Misionero's Garden Life label and feature butter lettuce.

  • Buttery Green Goddess Salad Kit: The chopped butter lettuce base comes with a Green Goddess Dressing, Brioche croutons, and crispy onions.
  • Butter French Country Salad Kit: Featuring the same butter lettuce base, this kit has a Ranch vinaigrette, crumbled croissant croutons, and shredded Parmesan cheese.

Stop by Misionero's booth, #2181, to help celebrate the company's 50 years and see the new kits and other offerings.

For more information:
Nicole Minnich Zapata
[email protected]

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