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OPI Frutta snack and smoothie range - just like fresh fruit

"Our product range includes snacks and instant smoothies: the first are destined to final consumers in the apple, pear, pineapple, cherry, peach and peach/banana flavors, while the second are destined to the H&R sector and include 5 recipes with freeze-dried fruits and vegetables," explains Corso Civolani, head creative marketer at OPI Frutta, as he illustrates the products launched at the Cibus Startup Area, where new entrepreneurial projects are selected by Le Village, Crédit Agricole Parma.

Corso Civolani, head creative marketer at OPI Frutta

"The idea was developed in 2019 by a core team of engineers. In 2020, in the midst of the pandemic, we assembled and built the machine. The first commercialization tests were carried out in 2021 with reduced quantities but with very promising feedback. The products were then launched on our online shop and other marketplaces in 2022. We are gradually penetrating the big retail chain with some chains in Emilia-Romagna and Piedmont."

"As for the smoothies, we mainly work with some trusted distributors that help us place the products in bars. The objective for our lines is to strengthen the Italian market and to expand abroad too, where our products can already be found in Cyprus, Canada and Japan."

"We patented a freeze-drying technology: we practically cut the fruit and freeze it rapidly at -20/-30 °C, so that water can separate and solidify in small ice crystals. The fruit is then vacuum-sealed to make the small ice crystal sublimate and maintain it dry and crunchy. At this point, the dried pieces are bagged in a controlled atmosphere to avoid contact with air humidity and preserve their freshness. The result is a crunchy piece of fruit that immediately melts in the mouth and rehydrates with the saliva, releasing its authentic flavor and organoleptic qualities of the fresh fruit."  

"Freeze-drying is the best drying technology when it comes to nutritional and organoleptic qualities. It boasts numerous advantages: as the fruit dries at -20°C, the vitamin content is higher (up to 90%) and the fruit retains its authentic flavor. Once water is removed, the bag can be stored without preservatives for years, which means no waste." 

In addition, the shelf-life is very long at "up to 2 years. So we have all the benefits of the fresh fruit, yet with a long expiration date."

Why the name OPI Frutta?
"There are two reasons, the first was a practical one, as we were looking for a short name, easy to remember, that could work at international level and that could be combined with the name 'Frutta'. The second reason is linked with the name of the goddess of earth and fertility in ancient Latin - OPI (Ops in English)." 

"We chose it because we want to give the products of the land the dignity they deserve. And also because, although out technology and products look forward, we believe that they must maintain a strong relationship with tradition."

For further information:
Corso Civolani - head creative marketer
[email protected]
OPI Frutta
Via della Resistenza 16
48013 Brisighella (RA) - Italy

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