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Cabbage and onions from Uzbekistan: successful export in first four months

Cabbage and onions have become the leaders in Uzbekistan's fruit and vegetable exports for the first four months of the year, reports the Statistics Agency. From January to April 148,000 tons of cabbage were shipped to foreign consumers, amounting to $37.1 million, which is 2.9 times more compared to the same period last year. Additionally, 121,300 tons of onions worth $29.7 million were exported, which is 2.7 times more.

The sale of these agricultural products brought Uzbekistan more than $64 million, accounting for nearly a quarter of the total fruit and vegetable export volume. Overall, from January to April 2024, 514,800 tons of fruit and vegetable products were exported, which is 43.3% (or 155,600 tons) more than in the same period in 2023.

The main markets for these fruit and vegetable products were Russia (26.3%), Pakistan (24.2%), Kazakhstan (13%), and China (9.3%).

The total export volume of fruit and vegetable products for the period amounted to $298.5 million, which is 16.5% more compared to the same period in 2023. The overall share of fruit and vegetable exports reached 3.5%.


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