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Last year’s potatoes in Ukraine now triple the price compared to previous year

According to EastFruit's analysts, citing market participants, last year's potatoes in the Ukrainian market have experienced a notable price surge over the weekend.

As of today, farmers are selling potatoes from the 2023 harvest at prices ranging from 15 to 22 UAH per kilogram (approximately $0.38 to $0.55 per kilogram), depending on quality, variety, and batch volume. This represents an average increase of 27% compared to the end of the previous working week.

Market operators attribute the rise in potato prices to the seasonal reduction in supply, even as demand remains stable. Notably, wholesale companies frequently express dissatisfaction with the quality of potatoes from producers, which hampers their ability to procure sufficient quantities.

Furthermore, the average price of last year's potatoes in Ukraine is now 3.4 times as high as during a similar period in the previous year. Market operators express confidence that this upward trend will persist, given the relatively high percentage of non-conforming potatoes this year and the rapid depletion of household stocks.


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