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Putting the spotlight on California blueberry grower

As growers, Berry Fresh believes in supporting farmers to feed the world and it is a proud partner to many independent growers worldwide that help supply berries year-round to consumers. Here, one of its growers, brothers Jaspal and Jaspreet Sangha of Sangha Farms, discuss the future of blueberry growing.

Sangha Farms is in Dinuba, California, and has 45 acres of blueberries. The Sangha brothers' dedication to farming isn't surprising given their family history. "Our great-grandparents, grandparents, and our parents were all farmers in India and Pakistan. They grew mostly seasonal crops, and my dad is a master in growing potato seeds," says Jaspal.

Left to right: Jaspal Sangha and Jagjit Sangha of Sangha Farms.

Jagjit Sangha, their father, can even just look at a potato and tell you what variety it is. Jagjit is still just as active on the Sangha family farm and helps the brothers tend their fields where varieties such as Suziblue, Legacy and Meadowlark grow.

A look at the Sangha Farm.

With the California season starting, the brothers are excited for this season and the future. In the short term, their focus is growing production through newer varieties which will pave the way for their long-term goal of having their children take over the business someday.

That business is in an industry with challenges including soaring costs for labor, water fertilizer, etc. This means growers are looking for crops with stable market prices that can outweigh the increasing cost of farming. "Every dollar increase in costs hits our profit very hard, and that's if we even make a profit," says Jaspal, "That means that every decision grocers make with our fruit is very important to us."

For more information:
Berry Fresh
[email protected]

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