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IFPA tracks trends with executive leaders in Chile

Consumer trends in fresh produce, global packaging, and accessing organizational resources and networks were a few of the topics discussed during the May 14 International Fresh Produce Association's (IFPA) Executive Leadership Summit in Santiago, Chile. This event convened 150 Chilean and global supply chain leaders and covered global industry and consumer trends, discussion groups on key topics, and packaging. Key takeaways from this invitation-only program included:

  • NielsenIQ's analysis of consumer shopping behaviors found global fresh food moved from sixth place to fourth place in fast-moving consumer goods globally.
  • Specific to Chile, groceries have capitalized in the online market with fruits and vegetables as a standout food group, as well as showing steady growth in traditional brick-and-mortar supermarkets.
    Avocados, tomatoes, and lettuce are the top three produce items purchased, with potatoes on an upward growth arc.
  • In Europe, the Plastic Packaging Waste Reduction (PPWR) rule was passed by the EU Parliament. IFPA continues to work in partnership with the Alliance for Sustainable Packaging for Foods to negotiate industry relief from PPWR rules. The Alliance and IFPA have successfully negotiated an exemption of liability for operators on hygiene and safety issues, an allowance/exception for industrially compostable sticky labels (functional PLU stickers and promotional labels), plastic pallet wrapping, and straps.
    Panelists discussed vocabulary terms around packaging (i.e. biodegradable, home compostable, etc.), recognizing these phrases are a challenge for consumers and could benefit from further clarification.
  • A look at what's on the minds of IFPA's Board of Directors, with concerns ranging from sustainability, packaging and plastics, and standardization around sustainability; rising costs and the effects on consumers; finding talented, committed employees to work in the industry, and more.

After ELS participants engaged in table discussions on what they heard throughout the program, they shared insights on opportunities and challenges for the industry. Among these were:

  • Trends that can boost produce consumption and maintain industry competitiveness, new breeding techniques (perhaps through CRISPR and artificial intelligence) to offer new textures and flavors and reduce reliance on ever-costly inputs. Health is an overarching trend and opportunity when linked with food as medicine and produce prescriptions – particularly combined with younger generations' interest in wellness and fitness.
  • On attracting top talent, the industry can leverage new technologies and lean into its purpose and position as helping feed the world and improving its health.
  • On packaging alternatives and potential tradeoffs in food safety, quality, marketing, and sustainability, the industry must continue to manage and balance costs, along with government involvement.

The importance of collaborative advocacy between IFPA and its membership to ensure burdensome laws and regulations are not enacted was emphasized by several groups of Summit participants.

The next major event to focus on advocacy will be The Washington Conference from June 10-12. Registration is open now.

For more information:
Ashley Sempowski
International Fresh Produce Association
[email protected]

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