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FEFCO welcomes new President Nina Iversen

On 15 May 2024, the FEFCO General Assembly elected Nina Iversen, Managing Director from Glomma Papp Norway, as the new President for a two-year term. Iversen is the first woman to hold the Presidency since the Federation's establishment in 1952. She succeeds Dr. Fady Gemayel, co-owner and Honorary Chairman of Gemayel Freres, who served diligently for four years and will now act as Honorary Vice-President.

Nina Iversen and Gemayel Freres

The FEFCO Board of Directors and members express their gratitude to Gemayel for his remarkable commitment during his mandate, and his continuous efforts to highlight the benefits of corrugated cardboard as the most sustainable packaging solution for the supply chain and society.

Saverio Mayer, CEO of Smurfit Kappa Europe, was elected as Vice President for a second term, and Leopoldo Santorroman, CEO of Cartonajes Santorroman, as the second Vice President.

FEFCO will continue to be the voice of the corrugated cardboard industry, fostering its attributes to EU stakeholders and society. "We must continue to build on the cooperation we have established over the past few years. The journey to meet new imperatives for decarbonisation and increased sustainability is not without challenges. We must undertake this journey with conviction, harnessing the power of innovation to develop sustainable alternatives, reduce our carbon footprint, and mitigate the environmental impact of our operations throughout the entire value chain," says Iversen.

For more information:
Nathalie Schneegans
Tel: +32 2 6500832
Email: [email protected]

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