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Small packaging meets market demand

“New Zealand apples arriving in China are mostly small sizes”

Due to better climate conditions in New Zealand this season, apple production has increased. As a result, more New Zealand apples have been arriving in the Chinese market compared to last year, with most being small in size.

"Currently, the taste and quality of apples are relatively satisfactory. However, the high volume of arrivals means almost every importer and dealer has excess stock, which slows down shipments and reduces prices accordingly," said Mrs. Sharon Huang from Faikee Fruit Limited.

"In terms of variety, Queen are arriving in large quantities, while Gala apples are relatively scarce and selling better. Regarding size, there are more small apples this year and fewer large ones. For instance, small Queen of sizes #90, #100, and #110 are abundant, while large sizes #60 and #70 make up only about 20%, nearly half of last year. Thus, the price of small apples remains stable, while the price of large apples is rising, with a difference of ¥60 per piece, nearly double that of before."

Discussing the current apple market, Sharon mentioned: "Apple prices this year are not as good as last year. Early prices might not differ much from the past, but they are falling faster. There are also significant price fluctuations between the first and second shipments of some brands."

Faikee Fruit primarily sells Taylor-branded apples. Taylor has authorized the company exclusive rights to protect its trademark in China. Sharon explained that to maintain trademark rights and meet market demand, the company, with Taylor's consent, will soon launch a series of small packaging options.

"Small packages are convenient and meet current market demand, while gift boxes cater to the gifting tradition. Taylor successfully registered its trademark in China this year, and we plan to launch various small packaging formats under this trademark, including small buckets and gift boxes. The small buckets will contain 6-10 small apples, and single-layer gift boxes will be available for the Dragon Boat Festival and Mid-Autumn Festival, with two-layer gift boxes and other options expected in the future."

Faikee Fruit's main imports include New Zealand apples, Australian and Chilean stone fruits, and North and South American cherries.

For more information:
Guangzhou Faikee Fruit Limited
Zheng Junfeng (Feng)
Tel: +86 180 2223 7000
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