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Coaching program helps bridge the leadership gap

One year ago, Wendy McManus, CEO and founder of Connect 2 Potential, envisioned her training and coaching program as a catalyst for creating confident, capable leaders among newer managers. Now, after a year-long pilot, McManus says the program has surpassed all expectations.

McManus identified a recurring challenge: talented individuals excelled in individual contributor roles but often struggled when promoted to leadership positions. This experience prompted the creation of Thriving Leaders Circle, a year-long coaching and training journey for newer leaders.

Thriving Leaders Circle brings together committed professionals in small groups, fostering a supportive environment for growing effective leadership skills and mindsets. They focus on a new topic each month, addressing head-on the most common challenges newer leaders face.

Participants engage in topics like delegation, feedback, healthy conflict, coaching skills, adapting to a variety of communication styles and wielding influence. These are leadership skills that are easily observed from the outside.

Wendy McManus, speaking at the International Fresh Produce Association’s Women’s Fresh Perspectives Conference in April 2022.

Meanwhile, the group members do the inside work that’s essential for a leader to maximize their impact. They identify their leadership values and purpose, explore their inner dialogue, learn to manage the mindsets holding them back and enhance their resilience under pressure.

“I could teach the tips, and tricks of leadership all day long, but if a person’s mindset is standing in the way of them adopting the new approach, the training will inevitably fail,” says McManus.

The program's unique pace allows for the absorption of the material each month, followed by several weeks of application in participants' roles before tackling the next topic. This learning-integration loop received high praise from the pilot cohort.

“The coaching – by far – has been the most impactful for me,” says Brianna Shales of Stemilt Growers, a pilot group alumna. “I’ve been able to take the lessons from coaching and apply them to real problems instantly to create great results.”

Month after month, members of the group grow together, shoring up leadership skills and confidence in a supportive community. Thriving Leaders Circle incorporates self-paced online training, twice-monthly live group calls, an online community and more.

"Through Thriving Leaders, I have been able to shift my leadership style from advising to coaching and it has made a world of difference in a short period,” says Amanda Keefer of Healthy Family Project, a pilot participant.

Thriving Leaders Circle is now accepting applications for the upcoming cohort, commencing in late February 2024. This opportunity is open for a limited time. Professionals from the produce industry and beyond are invited to apply for Thriving Leaders Circle.

For more information:
Wendy McManus
Connect 2 Potential
Tel: +1 (321) 695-3706
[email protected]

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