Morocco doubled their fruit exports between 2016 and 2021 becoming the world's 15th biggest fruit exporter in the process. It earned $729 million increasing it to $1.5 billion.
Leading the exports are blueberries, strawberries and raspberries at over 60% of the volume, becoming one of the world's top 10 berry exporters.
The European Union is the main export market receiving 70% of the volume, to mainly Spain and France. The United Kingdom has replaced Russia as the second biggest export market at 10% of volumes.
The country also benefits as a supplier of fertiliser, following sanctions on Russia for starting the war in the Ukraine and China's ban of this essential input. Morocco is enjoying record income from the phosphate exports as it holds 31% of the global share. It has earned $12.4 billion, up 576% on 2021, which was already a big year of income from selling the phosphate.