Banana prices are usually a little lower in the fall. But, these are remarkably good this year, observes Robert Greeve of the Dutch company Anaco & Greeve. "After the war in Ukraine broke out, April and May were difficult, but the market recovered nicely in the summer," he says.
"La NiƱa and the dark weather are reasons for the growing process delays in many Latin American countries. Ecuador's production has been particularly problematic. Also, several growers have quit because of high costs. Far fewer bananas are, thus, expected to arrive in Europe in the coming period."
"Cost increases mean bananas prices have risen considerably in their countries of origin. The current dollar-euro exchange rate isn't helping, either. So, in Europe, too, bananas are more expensive in stores, though they remain relatively cheap compared to other fruits. We, therefore, can't complain about demand, even if overall, there are slightly fewer sales," Robert concludes.
Anaco & Greeve supplies bananas to retailers, wholesalers, and a little to food service.
For more information:
Robert Greeve
Anaco & Greeve
666 ABC Westland
2685 DH, Poeldijk, NL
Tel: +31 (0) 174 210 200
Email: [email protected]