“Right now, we see a very vivid trade in all pear varieties. A lot of European retailers are heavily promoting loose and prepacked pears, causing stocks to decrease rapidly. The growers are being pushed to select as much as they can, our trucks are literally waiting to load at their facilities,” says Leon van den Hombergh of Frankort & Koning.
"We get requests from all over Europe and there are no signs that pear prices will decrease in coming weeks. In fact, we are already preparing the import season. Being part of the Total Produce Group, we will be able to supply the whole range of pears from South Africa, Chile and Argentina. Our in-house packing facilities enable us to deliver those pears also in every kind of packaging our clients are requiring. For sure, there won’t be any dull moments in the entire pear season this year! “
For more information:
Leon van den Hombergh
Frankort & Koning
Venrayseweg 126
5928 RH Venlo
Tel: +31 (077) 389 72 72
Email: [email protected]