In the last few years the quality of fruit is getting more important in the Chinese market. During the growing process a lot of attention should be given to the optimizing of the quality, though the control after harvesting is also of great importance. The sorting process after harvesting is also important, as different qualities attracts different kinds of consumers.
Mr. David Zhao from Fujita was present at Asia Fresh 2019 to introduce their new sorting line and technology: “Standardization is an important part of the fruit business. Without a good standard, consumers cannot count on the product quality when they buy it, because it will differ each time. Therefore good sorting at is very important. We designed a sorting line for different kinds of fruit, to make sure they are all sorted according to size and quality. We've already installed three different sorting lines in China, in the cities Hainan and Dongtai.”
Fujita started four years ago in the Chinese market, but were not originally focused on the food industry and only since this year have they started to bring out their sorting line for agricultural products. “We started with some sorting machines for melons in China, though our machines are also qualified for other kind of fruit, like apples, pears or kiwifruit. We can measure the weight, sweetness level, and inside and outside quality. We can adjust the machine according to the client’s requirements.”
“Furthermore, our machine can also print the label for the fruit. Each fruit will get a label with a QR code. When you scan the QR code, you can see all the information we have on this fruit, like the production place and the quality of the fruit itself. For consumers nowadays this information becomes much more important, because they care more about the quality and safety of their food.”
“Next year in March and April we will finish two new projects in China. We hope to further grow in the Chinese market, interested people can always contact us to see the possibilities.”
For more information:
David Zhao – CEO
+86 519 68205852
[email protected]