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Lindert Moerdijk over MSP Onions' new processing plant:

"Soon we will be able to sort 200,000 tons of onions with 5 people, instead of 80,000 tons with 30"

MSP Onions' new processing plant was on display last week. It was showcased on the Dutch TV network, RTL's, program, 'How it's Done'. The new factory is located in Nieuwdorp, the Netherlands.

"Everything in the plant is automated," says Lindert Moerdijk about the new project. "We used to have 30 people packing 80.000 tons of onions. Now 5 people can process 200.000 tons. The highest levels of sustainability, efficiency, and innovations have come together here. Our onion sorting and packing processes have been revolutionized," says Lindert.

The factory's internal logistics are now fully automated. As a result, there is 60% less transit movement. Everything can also be tracked in real-time. MSP Onions also used Artificial Intelligence (AI).

AI brings the company's sorting technology to the highest level in the world. This is true for both internal and external quality. Quality assurance has enabled never-before-seen packing speeds. At top speed, as much as 120 tons can be packed per hour.

"We work with high-tech cameras and systems linked on a single software platform. The system, using simple language, tells the operator what to do," explains Moerdijk in the TV segment. According to him, this family business' goal is to expand even further. "We eventually want to move towards circular production. It must be completely electricity and CO2 neutral."

According to Lindert, climate change lead to the company making this massive investment. "We have to deal with long rainy and dry periods. That is stressful for onions and disastrous for their quality. Manual sorting could not solve this problem."

"The machines we were using could not assess the onions' internal quality. That was the reason for building this plant. I am extremely proud that we as a local family business - with three brothers and three sons - could make our mark on Dutch soil with this project," Lindert concludes.

Click here to see more photos of MSP Onions' new processing plant.

For more information:
MSP Onions
32a Hertenweg
4455 TL Nieuwdorp, NL
Email: [email protected]