The citrus season has started well at Tino’s Fruit. "The mandarins and clementines are doing very well," says Geert Baecke. “The demand is very good at the moment, but we are also very satisfied with the quality. In addition to the Spanish product, we have also been importing Greek citrus for years. In about three weeks we will receive the first Greek hand oranges. We don't get mandarins and clementines from Greece, because they often contain seeds and consumers don't want that. ”
“I have just returned from Greece and I am very pleased with the quality of Greek citrus. Normally during this time the Greek oranges are still pretty sour, but this year they are all incredibly tasty. We notice that the popularity of Greek oranges is increasing. In the past, there were only few packaging options available, but that has already improved considerably. In addition, there is a great distance between Spain and Greece, but if you look at the price, Greek citrus is still cheaper than the Spanish product, "says Geert.
“In addition to citrus, the winter vegetables are also doing very well at the moment. It is the time for parsnip and wild mushrooms. In addition, we also have our own grown winter purslane, coriander and arugula in our assortment. The winter purslane is a vastly popular product with us. The quality is very nice and the colour is nice dark green. The product is so popular that we only sell it to our regular customers, due the volumes being quite limited, "Baecke concludes.
For more information:
Tino's Fruit
Geert Baecke
Sluisstraat 55-57
8300 Knokke-Heist
M:+32(0) 475-606133
[email protected]