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Gerwin de Vries, Kwekerij LOF.:

"Good demand for white and red chicory towards Xmas"

The Christmas rush is in full swing on the chicory market. "You see a lot of last minute orders during this time. The demand for red chicory always increases in the retail sector during this time of year", says Gerwin de Vries of the chicory nursery, LOF. from the Dutch town of Espel.

"Fortunately, the chicory prices are reasonably good, with a level of about EUR1,30/1,40. Two weeks ago, they were slightly higher. However, Sinterklaas week is always a difficult week. The market is catching up a bit again. I expect that we can make a little extra towards Christmas."

"The demand is good and comes from everywhere. Production is, however, somewhat less. The dry summer definitely left its mark which resulted in shorter chicory. There is also great bacterial pressure. The volumes will remain limited in the coming weeks too. It is becoming a year of challenges", says Gerwin. Next year, Kwekerij LOF. will switch to new packaging. This should give the product even more of a presence. 

There is a slight increase in the sale of red chicory. "Last year was a good red chicory year. However, a few new players have started. The market now has to reset itself. The market for red chicory is a small niche market. The cards are equally dealt. The market is, unfortunately, somewhat under pressure. Luckily there is more demand now toward Christmas", he concludes.

For more information:
Gerwin de Vries
Witlofkwekerij LOF.
28/1 Pilotenweg
8311 PL Espel
Tel. +31 (0) 527 271 375
Fax. +31 (0) 527 271 032
[email protected]