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Holiday spirit at NatureFresh™ Farms
While the holiday season brings joy and happiness to many, it can be a time of hardship for many families. The holiday season tends to be a time for reflection, when many people take time to lend a helping hand to those in need. Under the company ethos of growing both produce & people, NatureFresh™ Farms has put a focus on giving back to those in the community who are well deserving of holiday cheer.
NatureFresh Fulton County holiday giveaway
One way in which NatureFresh™ Farms felt they could make a difference and give back to their community was through their Fulton County Holiday Giveaway. Throughout the month of December, individuals could nominate a family living within a 50-mile radius of Fulton County, OH that was deserving of a little help this holiday season. Many families nominated were going through a hard time or were individuals who dedicated their lives to making a positive impact on the community. NatureFresh™ Farms had originally intended to select five of these families to receive a $500 Walmart gift card and baskets full of nutritious food, including all the ingredients to make a turkey dinner. From the moment the giveaway opened up for nominations, the response was overwhelming. With over 250 heartwarming and heartbreaking stories being submitted, Peter Quiring, the Owner & CEO, decided to increase the initiative to ten families. “The stories of these families really leave you inspired. Despite going through heartbreaking times, many of them continue to smile & help others where they can. After delivering a package to one family, we received a text message letting us know they would be sharing the food with another less fortunate family they knew” said Quiring. “The spirit of the season is evident, and we are looking forward to doing more”.
High school students of Leamington Goodfellow preparing food baskets
NatureFresh™ Farms is very fortunate to be actively involved in two remarkable communities from both Canada and the United States, each with their own areas of need. This past December, NatureFresh™ Farms lent out a portion of their warehouse to the Leamington Goodfellows. With the Leamington District High School raising over 56,000 food items, this space allowed the volunteer team to store the donations and have room to compile over 800 food baskets for those in need. Now in their 39th year, the Leamington Goodfellows consists of a handful of the original members, many retired teachers and high school students from within the community. “It is an amazing organization to be a part of; my father has been a part of this organization since the onset and I have been helping deliver the baskets for 25 years.” said Dave Hildebrandt, Chief Financial Officer at NatureFresh™ Farms. “It feels even more impactful this year knowing that NatureFresh™ could assist in providing the volunteers with space to organize the initiative”.
Goodfellow food baskets in NatureFresh' warehouse
From everyone at NatureFresh™ Farms, wishing you and your loved ones a very Happy Holidays!