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Italy: Choosing the right apricot variety is essential

The worst thing to do after the bad prices of 2017 would be to lose trust in apricot cultivation. Not to mention the fact that the most innovative varieties, if harvested at the right ripening stage, didn't do so bad.

Paolo Laghi, co-owner of Battistini Vivai, a nursery located in Cesena with 150 partners producing one million plants a year, is placing its bets on apricot cultivation. "While prices weren't very good in 2017, we mustn't forget that the year was characterised by overproduction. Apricots are always popular and obtain interesting quotations. However, it is important to choose the right varieties based on harvesting period and company needs. Another aspect that must be considered is the sales channel. In some cases, like for example wholesale markets and direct sales, grade is essential, whereas it is not as important for POs." 

Battistini Vivai: Davide Laghi, Paolo Laghi, Giulia Battistini, Giuliano Dradi, Sandra Laghi.

Anyway consumers generally look for fruit that is appealing and tastes good. "There is no doubt about that, as consumers are increasingly demanding. We are introducing new red-skinned varieties because they are appealing and have good organoleptic qualities if harvested well."

Battistini Vivai recommends carrying out potassium-based foliar fertilisation to increase dry matter content and shelf-life. Irrigation must also be carried out carefully without exaggerating. Thinning depends not only on the variety, but also on the final result to achieve.

Laura Laghi near some plants ready for shipping

"2017 was a good year for us. We managed to sell one million plants and strengthen our position abroad. We made various business deals during fairs in Spain, Algeria and Moldova."

Battistini Vivai
Via Ravennate 1500
47522 Cesena
Tel: 0547/380545
Email: [email protected]
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