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Fruitimprese data on fresh produce commercialisation

According to the Fruitimprese processing of Istat data, the first 9 months of 2017 saw a drop of exported volumes (-6.1%) counterbalanced by a increase in their value (2.2%) thanks to the higher prices in destination markets. The balance is €597 million, with an expectation for the end of the year nearing the billion Euro.

Between January and September, Italian companies exported around 3 million tons of produce worth over €3.4 billion.

Fewer vegetables (-11.4%), citrus fruit (-20.2%) and dried fruit (-4%) were exported while dried fruit volumes increased (12.3%). In terms of value, the sign was positive for vegetables (2.7%) and fresh fruit (3.6%) while it was negative for citrus (-15%) and dried fruit (-0.2%).

Italy imported around 2.7 million tons of produce for a total value of €2.8 billion.

There was an increase in the volume of dried fruit (6.7%), tropical fruit (11.5%), vegetables (1%), citrus fruit (41.6%) and fresh fruit (7.7%). As regards value, the sign was positive for vegetables (9%), tropical fruit (7.3%), citrus fruit (16.3%) and fresh fruit (5%) while there was a drop for dried fruit (6,1%).

Fruitimprese past president and head of Gruppo Besana, Pino Calcagni, (in the photo) commented that "the positive export trend in the first 9 months of the year (+12.3%) is due to the good opportunities for our hazelnuts on European and international markets. The value dropped slightly (-0.2%) due to the lower price of unshelled hazelnuts compared to a year ago (-15%) and to the lower income registered in the UK due to Brexit (-9%)."

"As regards imports, the increase in quantities (+6.7%) is due to the strong increase in consumption on the domestic market, while the drop in imported volumes (-6.1%) can be explained with the considerable reduction of the international average price of almonds and hazelnuts (-12%). We can say that dried fruit has become common for Italian consumers: the domestic market handles 300,000 tons and consumption reaches between €900 million and €1 billion." 

Associazione Imprese Ortofrutticole
Via Sabotino 46
00195 Roma
Tel.: (+39) 06 37515147
Fax: (+39) 06 3723659
Email: [email protected]
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